The only exceptions are those who refuse to correct their mistakes after repeated warnings and continue to engage in sabotage in violation of the criminal law; these will have to be punished. 只在一种情况下除外,就是累戒不戒,继续进行破坏活动,触犯刑律,那就要办罪。
Anyone who, in violation of these Regulations, intentionally spreads AIDS, shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law if a crime is committed; 违反本条例规定,故意传播艾滋病,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;
We must deal severely with actions of financial institutions in violation of regulations or codes of conduct and relentlessly punish financial criminal activities in accordance with the law. to report criminal offenses; 严肃查处金融机构各种违规违纪行为,依法严惩金融犯罪活动。检举违法犯罪活动;
Any state functionary who clearly knows that an enterprise, institution or individual has committed criminal actions in violation of this law, and takes advantage of his position to protect the offenders intentionally from prosecution, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. 国家工作人员利用职务,对明知有违反本法规定构成犯罪的行为的企业事业单位或者个人故意包庇使其不受追诉的,依法追究刑事责任。
The social harmfulness in the concept of crime in China refers to the social harmfulness in the significance of criminal law, and has no conflict with the violation of criminal law. 我国犯罪概念中的社会危害性是指刑法意义上的社会危害性,不会与刑事违法性发生冲突。
However, the punishment appears to be far-fetched, though not in violation of the principle specified in law, therefore, it is necessary to set up a separate criminal name in criminal law for the act of the out-of-held object embezzlement. 但是依据该条款治罪虽不违背罪刑法定原则却尚显牵强,因而在刑法中应将侵吞脱离持有物的行为独设一个罪名。
Holding crime is an act in violation of criminal law, in which the perpetrator intentionally possesses, control or dominate the behavior of the statutory prohibited items. Such behavior constitutes a serious danger to society. Holding behavior itself is the objective basis for criminal responsibility. 持有型犯罪是指行为人违反刑法规定,故意占有、控制或支配法定违禁物品的行为,该行为严重危害社会,是以持有行为的本身作为追究刑事责任客观基础的一类犯罪。
In China, imbalance of crime is widespread violation of balance between crime and punishment of crime, criminal law and order problems as the criminal law by the imbalance of important research topic. 在我国,罪刑失衡现象的普遍存在严重破坏了罪刑均衡的刑法秩序,罪刑失衡问题成为刑法学界的重要研究课题。
Here, we draw lessons from Professor Douglas "deviant funnel" to determine what we need a conceptual level, put forward in the criminology research deviance is a violation of orthodox ethics, security law, economic law and criminal law in some behavior. 在这里,我们借鉴了道格拉斯教授的越轨漏斗来确定我们需要的概念层次,提出了犯罪学中研究的越轨行为是违反正统道德、治安法律、部分经济法律和刑事法律的行为。
In other words, these phenomena perplexing us are contrary to or in violation of the rationality of criminal law. 换言之,困扰着我们的这些现象,是与刑法理性相违背、相对立的。
Secondly, the analysis of the negative value, which may result in violations of civil rights; violation of criminal law the principle of guilt own; a breach of faith values. 其次,分析其消极价值,即可能对公民权利造成侵犯;违反了刑法的罪责自负原则;破坏社会诚信价值观念等。